Good Old Rider

 I decided to create a new work based on two movements that I have not explore in that style, these been Expressionism (blue rider) and Emblematic Surrealism. I would say my work is more is inspired by cubism and geometry, however, I think my work can't really escape from surrealism since one of my biggest inspiration is Joan Miro. I wanted to use Kandisky's symbol of the horse and rider and try it with my style and Miro's which I think it is part of my process of making illustrations. Fun to do, I do like this type of illustrations that I've been making, it is different from what I've done so far.


  1. Jose Chocce, you superstar! It has been interesting to see you adapt your style to different movements and artists styles this semester. I hope all these experiments maybe influences your own personal work. I really enjoyed the Kandisky's connection. It is definitely obvious. Keep it killing it Chocce!

  2. Wow! You can definitely see your unique style throughout your work and it pretty cool how you incorporate other styles and make it your own. Love it!


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