Art Nouveau Work - Inspired by Ethel Reed

Made this poster about Djo's, a musician, new album. The pictures for the promotion video included clothes and props that I like so I wanted to take a setting from those images and tried to merge with the style of Ethel Reed. I barely do illustrations human characters and not as realistic, so It was kind of hard to get the proportions right but I think it came out good. Illustrated a women in a suit instead of the more feminine illustrations of Reed, cause I thought suits would just fit better. Reed has many B&W illustrations so I wanted to keep it in that style which I like. The text I added it later in photoshop. I liked how it came out, it looks more modern that I wish it did but still I like it.



  1. Nice work, Jose! I love your fluid line work contrasting with the strong, solid figure. I appreciate that you combined aesthetics from Ethel Reed, Djo's new album, and your own style. Lovely!

  2. This poster is so creative! I love the way you interpreted a contemporary image and turned it into Art Nouveau. I also made my poster inspired by Ethel Reed, I enjoyed their work the most.

  3. Amazing work ! Super creative, I love how clean and detailed the work is.


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