Illuminated manuscript letter "J"

After looking at many different examples of the illuminated manuscripts I decided
to be inspired by Spanish pictorial expressionism, mainly since they emphasize
 stars, rosettes, and polygons within the designs,  colors that flatten the image in
contrast to other colors. I wanted to draw plants, flowers, and fruits around it, and
adding my own style into it. Did it with black pen since I did not have materials,
and colored it after in photoshop, with just some few colors.


  1. Stunning, Jose! I love how you were able to expand upon your design aesthetic while responding to Spanish pictorial expressionism. Great balance of color. This could definitely be a portfolio piece :-)

    1. This design is amazing. I like the way the colors work together and how simple but perfectly thought this design is. Even the black and white design is beautiful!!

  2. Hey Jose! I really like your response to the referenced style. You appropriated the style perfectly while incorporating your own twist to it. I agree with previous comments, the general design and color is well balanced. Truly a lovely piece :)

  3. Jessie itzkowitz: I really love your art style and to bring it with this very traditional yet illustrative feel to your design was very successful. I can see the details very clearly and can resemble the inspiration you took from the manuscript

  4. Using your ink marker really helped bring the aesthetics out from the style you had picked to recreate! On the other hand, the colors you picked for the alternative version also have a really satisfying array without going out of the realm of what they would have used back then. it has a printed feel to it and has just enough detail aswell.

  5. Jose, I absolutely love your letter design. I think the colors you used work really well. I also really appreciate that you included a colorful design and a black and white design. It reminds me of a logo design that you would deliver to a client.


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